Taming.io - The Unnamed Player Saga - hecticspace2.com

Taming.io – The Unnamed Player Saga

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➤Editing and recording the video took A LOT of time (this time literally a whole day), so I would really appreciate if you upvoted the video, subscribed to the channel, and maybe even told your friends about this video 😀

➤Join my discord server if you want to appear in future videos :3

➤Tags: #awesome #devastio #devastioupdate #amazing #io #best #gaming #survival #casual #commentary #subscribe #survivalgames #gaminvideo #sus #tamingio #tamingioupdate


  1. really need to improve on those pvp skills >.<

  2. if he really were a good player you wouldnt stand a chance

  3. You did decently, even thro he had a sword and sword wings and u only had a pickaxe, you almost managed to kill him while 1v1'ing

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